{strip} {if $theme_settings.navigation_always} {$wa->globals("isShopHome", true)} {/if} {$_cart_url = $wa->getUrl('shop/frontend/cart')} {if $wa->param('checkout_version') == 2} {if method_exists($wa->shop, 'checkout')} {$_cart_url = $wa->shop->checkout()->cartUrl()} {else} {$_cart_url = $wa->getUrl('shop/frontend/cart')} {/if} {/if} {function name="pluralform" n=1 f1='' f2='' f3=''} {$n = abs($n)} {$n1 = $n % 10} {$n2 = $n % 100} {$n} {if $n1 == 1 && $n2 != 11}{$f1} {elseif $n1 >= 2 && $n1 <= 4 && ($n2 < 10 || $n2 >= 20)}{$f2} {else}{$f3}{/if} {/function}
{if $theme_settings.navigation_always && !$wa->isMobile()} {/if} {if $theme_settings.navigation_always}
{/if} {if !empty($theme_settings.navigation_always)} {include file="breadcrumb.html" inline} {/if} {* Product block *}
{$favorite_p = waRequest::cookie("shop_favorite", '', waRequest::TYPE_STRING)} {assign var=favorite_p_split value=","|explode:$favorite_p}
{if !$wa->isMobile()} {if $theme_settings.product_prevnext}
{$prev = null} {$next = null} {$siblings = $wa->shop->products("category/`$product.category_id`")} {foreach $siblings as $sibling} {if $sibling.id == $product.id} {$next = $sibling} {/if} {if !$next && $sibling.id != $product.id} {$prev = $sibling} {/if} {if $next && $sibling.id != $product.id} {$next = $sibling} {break} {/if} {/foreach} {$last_sibling = end($siblings)} {if $last_sibling.id == $product.id} {$next = null} {/if} {if $prev || $next} {if $prev}
{$prev.name|replace:""":""|escape|truncate:150:"...":true}{shop_currency($prev.price)}{if $prev.compare_price}{shop_currency($prev.compare_price)}{/if}
{/if} {if $next}
{$next.name|replace:""":""|escape|truncate:150:"...":true}{shop_currency($next.price)}{if $next.compare_price}{shop_currency($next.compare_price)}{/if}
{/if} {/if}
{/if} {/if} {$wa->shop->badgeHtml($product.badge)}

{$product.name|escape} {if $wa->user()->isAdmin()} {/if}

{$sku = $product.skus[$product.sku_id]}
{* sku or not sku? *}
{if $theme_settings.catalog_fav} В избранное {/if} {if $theme_settings.catalog_compare} {$compare_p = waRequest::cookie('shop_compare', '', waRequest::TYPE_STRING)} {$compare = $wa->shop->inComparison($product.id)} В сравнение К списку сравнения ({if !$compare_p}0{else}{count(explode(',', $compare_p))}{/if}) {/if}
{if $product.images} {if !$wa->isMobile()} {else} {* Mobile image slider*}
    1}class="js-product-image-slider"{/if}> {foreach $product.images as $image}
  • {$wa->shop->imgHtml($image, '970', [ 'alt' => $product.name|escape])}
  • {/foreach}
{/if} {else} {/if}
{* product summary *} {if $product.summary}


{/if} {if !$wa->isMobile()} {if $theme_settings.product_features} {if $product.features}
{foreach $product.features as $f_code => $f_value}
5} style="display:none;"{/if} {if $features[$f_code].type == 'divider'} class="divider"{/if}>{$features[$f_code].name|escape}
5} style="display:none;"{/if} {if $features[$f_code].type == 'divider'} class="divider"{/if}> {if is_array($f_value)} {if $features[$f_code].type == 'color'} {implode('
', $f_value)} {else} {implode(', ', $f_value)} {/if} {else} {$f_value} {/if} {/foreach}
{if count($product.features) > 5} [`Show all features`] ({count($product.features)}) {/if} {/if} {/if} {/if} {if $theme_settings.product_share} {/if} {* Tags *} {if $theme_settings.tags_view} {if $product.tags}
[`Tags`]: {foreach $product.tags as $t} {$t}{/foreach}
{/if} {/if}
{if $theme_settings.top_product} {$_date = $theme_settings.top_product_timer|cat:' days'} {$date = $_date|strtotime|date_format:'Y-m-d H:i:s'} {if $product.id|in_array:explode(',', $theme_settings.top_product_id)}
{$theme_settings.top_product_title} {if $theme_settings.top_product_timer != 'off'}
{/if} {/if}
{if $sku.sku}
[`Code`]: {$sku.sku|escape}
{/if} {* stock info *} {$product_available = $product.status} {if $product_available || count($product.skus) > 1}
1}style="opacity: 0;"{/if}> {function name=in_stock n=0 low=5 critical=2} {if $n > $low or $n === null} [`In stock`] {elseif $n > $critical} {_w("Only a few items left")} {elseif $n > 0} {_w("Only %d left in stock", "Only %d left in stock", $n)} {else} {if $wa->shop->settings('ignore_stock_count')} [`Pre-order only`]{else} [`Out of stock`]{/if} {/if} {/function} {foreach $product.skus as $sku}
{if $sku.stock} {foreach $stocks as $stock_id => $stock} {if isset($sku.stock[$stock_id])} {$stock_count = $sku.stock[$stock_id]} {else} {$stock_count = null} {/if} {$stock.name}: {in_stock n=$stock_count low=$stock.low_count critical=$stock.critical_count}
{/foreach} {else} {in_stock n=$sku.count} {/if}
{/foreach} {if $product.sku_type}
[`Product with the selected option combination is not available for purchase`]
{/if} {* product price *}
{if $product.sku_type} {* SELECTABLE FEATURES selling mode *} {$default_sku_features = $product.sku_features} {$product_available = $product.status} {if $theme_settings.selectable_features_control == 'inline'}
{foreach $features_selectable as $f}
{foreach $f.values as $v_id => $v} {if !isset($default_sku_features[$f.id])}{$default_sku_features[$f.id]=$v_id}{/if} {if $f.type == 'color'}  {/if} {if $f.type == 'color'} {else}{$v}{/if} {/foreach}
{foreach $features_selectable as $f} {/foreach}
{/if} {* list all SKUs for Schema.org markup *} {foreach $product.skus as $sku}
{$sku_available = $product.status && $sku.available && ($wa->shop->settings('ignore_stock_count') || $sku.count === null || $sku.count > 0)} {if $sku.name} {/if} {if (!($sku.count === null) && $sku.count <= 0)} {else} {/if}
{/foreach} {else} {$product_available = false} {if count($product.skus) > 1} {* SKU radio buttons *}
    {foreach $product.skus as $sku} {$sku_available = $product.status && $sku.available && ($wa->shop->settings('ignore_stock_count') || $sku.count === null || $sku.count > 0)}
  • {if $sku.name}{$sku.name|escape}{/if} {if $sku.sku}{/if} {shop_currency($sku.price, $product.currency)}{if $sku.compare_price} {shop_currency($sku.compare_price)}{/if} {if (!($sku.count === null) && $sku.count <= 0)} {else} {/if}
  • {$product_available = $product_available or $sku_available} {/foreach}
{else} {* in case there is only one SKU, don't display the selector *}
{$sku = $product.skus[$product.sku_id]} {if $sku.name} {/if} {if !$sku.available} {elseif !$wa->shop->settings('ignore_stock_count') && !($sku.count === null || $sku.count > 0)} {else} {/if} {$product_available = $product.status && $sku.available && ($wa->shop->settings('ignore_stock_count') || $sku.count === null || $sku.count > 0)}
{/if} {/if} {* Service block *} {if $services}
{foreach $services as $s}
{if isset($s.variants)} {else} {/if}
{/if} {* Add to cart block *}
{* @event frontend_product.%plugin_id%.cart *} {foreach $frontend_product as $_}{$_.cart}{/foreach}
{if $product_available} {if method_exists(shopStorequickorderPlugin, 'product_button')}
{/if} {/if} {if $theme_settings.delivery_product_courier or $theme_settings.delivery_product_sam or $theme_settings.delivery_product_mail} {* {if $theme_settings.delivery_product_weekend} {$_current_day = $smarty.now|date_format:"%u"} {if $_current_day == 6} {$_date_offset = 2} {elseif $_current_day == 7} {$_date_offset = 1} {/if} {/if} *}
[`Shipping options`]:
{if $theme_settings.delivery_product_courier} {* {if $_date_offset} {$theme_settings.delivery_product_courier = $theme_settings.delivery_product_courier + $_date_offset} {/if} {$_date = $theme_settings.delivery_product_courier|cat:' day'} *}
[`Courier`] {if $theme_settings.delivery_product_ok}~{/if}{$theme_settings.delivery_product_courier} дн. {if $theme_settings.delivery_product_price}({$theme_settings.delivery_product_courier_price}){/if}
{/if} {if $theme_settings.delivery_product_sam}
[`Pickup`] {if $theme_settings.delivery_product_ok}~{/if}{$theme_settings.delivery_product_sam} дн. {if $theme_settings.delivery_product_price}({$theme_settings.delivery_product_sam_price}){/if}
{/if} {if $theme_settings.delivery_product_mail} {$_date = $theme_settings.delivery_product_mail|cat:' day'}
[`Post`] {if $theme_settings.delivery_product_ok}~{/if}{$theme_settings.delivery_product_mail} дн. {if $theme_settings.delivery_product_price}({$theme_settings.delivery_product_mail_price}){/if}
{/if} {* @event frontend_product.%plugin_id%.block_aux *} {if !empty($frontend_product)}
{foreach $frontend_product as $_}{$_.block_aux}{/foreach}
{* Promo *}
{if $theme_settings.product_promo} {* Promo icons *}
{if $theme_settings.promo_link_1}{/if} {$theme_settings.promo_icon_1}



{if $theme_settings.promo_link_2}{/if} {$theme_settings.promo_icon_2}



{if $theme_settings.promo_link_3}{/if} {$theme_settings.promo_icon_3}



{* Description *}
{if $theme_settings.catalog_viewed} {$view_p = waRequest::cookie("shop_view", '', waRequest::TYPE_STRING)} {/if}
{* Tabs*}
{if $product.description} {$product.description} {* Categories *} {if !empty($product.categories)}
{if count($product.categories) > 1} [`Categories`]: {foreach $product.categories as $c}{if $c.status} {$c.name|escape} {/if}{/foreach} {else} [`Category`]: {foreach $product.categories as $c}{if $c.status} {$c.name|escape} {/if}{/foreach} {/if}
{/if} {else} [`Description of product`] {$product.name|escape} [`coming soon`] {/if}
{if $product.features && $theme_settings.product_view != 1}
{foreach $product.features as $f_code => $f_value} {$features[$f_code].name|escape} {if is_array($f_value)} {if $features[$f_code].type == 'color'} {implode('
', $f_value)} {else} {implode(', ', $f_value)} {/if} {else} {$f_value} {/if} {/foreach}
{if $product.features && $theme_settings.product_view == 1}
{foreach $product.features as $f_code => $f_value} {$features[$f_code].name|escape} {if is_array($f_value)} {if $features[$f_code].type == 'color'} {implode('
', $f_value)} {else} {implode(', ', $f_value)} {/if} {else} {$f_value} {/if} {/foreach}
{strip} {capture assign="_file_template"}
{/capture} {/strip} {strip} {capture assign="_error_template"}
{/capture} {/strip}
{foreach $product.pages as $a}
{/foreach} {if $theme_settings.product_tabs1_text}
{/if} {if $theme_settings.product_tabs2_text}
{if $view_p} {$products_ = $wa->shop->products('id/'|cat:$view_p)} {$products_views = []} {foreach explode(',', $view_p) as $a} {$products_views[] = $products_[$a]} {/foreach}
[`You watched`]
{foreach $products_views|@array_slice:0:3 as $p}
{if !empty($theme_settings.lazyload_catalog)} {$img = $wa->shop->productImgUrl($p, '600x0')} {if $img}{$_img = $wa->shop->productImgUrl($p, '600x0')}{else}{$_img = "`$wa_theme_url`img/no-foto-catalog.gif"}{/if} {$p.name} {else} {$wa->shop->productImgHtml($p, '600x0', ['alt' => $p.name, 'default' => "`$wa_theme_url`img/no-foto-catalog.gif"])} {/if}
{$badge_html = $wa->shop->badgeHtml($p.badge)} {if $badge_html}
{/if} {if $theme_settings.catalog_rating} {$rating = $wa->shop->ratingHtml($p.rating, 32)} {if $rating} {$rating} {else} {/if} ({$p.rating_count}){/if}
{shop_currency($p.price)} {if $p.compare_price > 0}
{if $theme_settings.navigation_always}